About Levantas: Responsibility

Responsibility Through Sustainability

Levantas' distinctive compass design, as well as its core services, were inspired by this understanding: Consulting solutions succeed when they work for businesses, their staff and most stakeholders. And they don't work (they aren't sustainable) when internal and external stakeholders don't get value and don't work together. Like it or not, we are all connected and interdependent.

In the big picture, all our businesses are dependent on a healthy population, a healthy environment, and a healthy economy—we can't get ahead in real terms without that solid foundation. Informed practitioners call these as the three dimensions of sustainable development (3-D).

Economic Benefits

From a life-cycle perspective, Levantas takes steps to reduce its own 3-D impacts, but the biggest change we can make is to positively influence a wide client base and deliver quality solutions that sustain clients and their communities around the world.

Learn more about how our work makes a difference.